
The Map component is responsible for initializing the mapbox-gl-js instance and making this available to any map layers rendered within it.


optional props
children@carbonplan/maps JSX elements or regular components
stylestyle object used on div container node of mapboxgl.Map
zoomzoom parameter passed to mapboxgl.Map
minZoomminZoom parameter passed to mapboxgl.Map
maxZoommaxZoom parameter passed to mapboxgl.Map
maxBoundsmaxBounds parameter passed to mapboxgl.Map
centercenter parameter passed to mapboxgl.Map
debugdebug parameter passed to mapboxgl.Map, controls whether tile grid lines are shown
glyphsglyphs parameter passed to mapboxgl.Map
setLoadingTracks any pending requests made by containing Raster layers
setMetadataLoadingTracks any metadata and coordinate requests made on initialization by containing Raster layers
setChunkLoadingTracks any requests of new chunks by containing Raster layers


You may use any combination of the loading callback props to track the loading state of raster layers rendered as children of a Map. The last value passed to each of the three callbacks, setLoading, setMetadataLoading, and setChunkLoading are overlaid on the map below.

metadata loading:
chunk loading:
X,Y: 0000,0000